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An Early Career Professional is an individual that has 10 years or less applied work experience within the Soil Science industry, including postgraduate students.

The Early Career Professionals Programme (ECPP) adds a new component to the biannual NZSSS conference schedule and was first established in 2022. The programme’s main objective is to help introduce early-career soil professionals to each other and foster their collaboration. The focus of the ECPP is to encourage networking within the soil community and to develop a shared vision of how to advance soil science in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The programme is inspired by the whakatauki He waka eke noa (the canoe we are all in with no exception). It takes cooperation and communication as well as the harmony of body and mind to operate a waka: physical strength to gain forward momentum, a wise mind and successful communication between different sailors of the waka to navigate safely. Based on this idea, the ECPP comprises two workstreams: Soil Fit and Soil Clever.

Soil Fit includes a physical component such as a soil-themed outdoor activity, whereas Soil Clever comprises a learning experience in a workshop format. An important objective for both workstreams is inclusiveness, and acknowledgement that different attendees will enter the programme with different backgrounds, may those be cultural or educational. Consequently, both workstreams aim to be generic to interest a wider audience but also specific enough to provide a thorough socialising and learning experience. For Soil Clever it was decided that the primary focus shall be on science communication and skill development such as multimedia filming, public speaking, creative content creation, graphic design, online posting, public interviews or similar. Instead, Soil Fit provides a valve for excess energy to be released after long hours of sitting and in this sense serves as an icebreaker encouraging attendees to mingle.

For the 2022 conference, the two workstreams are included in the student and full registration fees:


Rogaining in the Wither Hills in cooperation with the Marlborough Orienteering Club is an event open to all conference attendees (fun/active networking opportunity). The rogaine will be open all week to attend at any time of the day.


For Early Career attendees, there will be an exclusive session held on Monday afternoon (28 November), before the Conference Welcome Function. Transport to Wither Hills for this session is included with student registration only. The bus will depart the Marlborough Events Centre at 3:45 pm.​

** Please make sure you have downloaded and set up the MapRun app before the event so that we can get underway without delay **

For more information, including rogaine instructions, rules and a detailed timeline of this event, please go to the NZSSS 2022 Rogaine page.


Bazzacam smartphone DIY video workshop. Due to time constraints, it was decided that this workshop will be offered to early career professionals prior to the conference commencing. The workshop will be in an online format and participants will be tasked to put their skills into practise during the conference by creating creative content featuring the event and its participants. The footage may be used for promotional purposes in the future and the best short clip shall be awarded at the final conference dinner.

Click on the following links to find out more:

Dates: 1st, 8th, 17th and 22nd November noon to 1 PM

How to book: You can register for this workshop on the Conference registration form

Contact Details

The 2022 ECPP is led by Kirstin Deuss and Anne Wecking. Both are members of the NZSSS and as early career professionals completed their PhDs in 2021. Contact details are:

Student support for attendance at NZSSS 2022 Conference
Applications close: 5 October 2022

The NZ Society of Soil Science Council has agreed to support soil science students to attend the 2022 NZSSS conference with up to $500 for South Island students and up to $700 for North Island students to support travel, accommodation, and conference registration costs. To be awarded costs students must commit to attending all days of the conference and: 

  1. be currently enrolled in a soil science related course at a New Zealand University, Wanaanga, or Technical Institute.  

  2. be a current member of NZSSS 

  3. have an abstract accepted for a poster or oral presentation and/or be registered as a member of a team in the soil judging competition.  

  4. provide evidence of costs that will be incurred to attend (travel/accommodation quotes and registration invoice to the value of the amount requested, up to the limits stated above.  

  5. Complete the online application form by clicking on the following link


The NZSSS will approve applications based on merit. If applications exceed the total allowed funds the Soil Science Society may provide a contribution at a lower level than that applied for, or may fund only a limited number of applications based on judgement of the quality of each applicant. The funding decisions of the NZSSS society will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into.   

There is also an opportunity for students to be student helpers in exchange for a discount on registration fees. Student helpers are required to be available each day of the Conference and will be tasked with either registration desk assistance, help loading talks onto computers during breaks, AV support in the conference rooms, and set up. You will be able to attend the sessions you want and can choose your preferred role. Being a student conference volunteer is a great opportunity to meet other students and prospective employers.

Should you wish to participate as a student helper please indicate your interest in the appropriate place on the student support application form.  


Timothy Clough, NZSSS President, Lincoln University
Matt Oliver, Marlborough District Council
Anne Wecking, Tasman District Council
Leo Condron, Lincoln University
Sam Carricks, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Jim Moir, Lincoln University
Jennifer Owens, Scion Research
Trish Fraser, Plant and Food
Simeon Smaill, Scion Research
Thomas Caspari, Landcare Research

Kirstin Deuss, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Lea Boodee, OnCue Conferences


Abstract Submissions — Now Open
Early-Bird Registrations — July
Abstract Submissions — Close 14 August

Early-Bird Registrations — End 28 October


Lea Boodee, OnCue Conferences

03 928 0620

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