I Love Soil – Tiaki o Papatuanuku
An Educational Resource Produced for the 2015 International Year of Soil

Soil: The World Beneath Our Feet
“Soil: The World Beneath Our Feet”, was a website that was designed on behalf of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science (NZSSS), in 2015, to promote the public understanding and appreciation of soils and to celebrate the then, 2015, International Year Of Soils. Although here at the NZSSS, we believe that every year is a celebration of soil.
Because this website was a unique New Zealand resource, it was decided that the pages should be kept available for anyone who wished to use them. The best way to do so was to add them to the actual NZSSS website, where they would be available as a wonderful source of information for children and teachers wanting to learn more about the world beneath our feet.
Some tenets of soil science are global by their nature, but where possible, we use New Zealand examples. Educator Angela Schipper wrote the articles and activities. Dr Megan Balks and Professor Louis Schipper provided expert advice and quality assurance.
Some of the resources from the I love Soil website have been integrated into the NZSSS website (Teacher Resources, Activities & Career Information). The rest of the content is available here.
Resource Contributors
Here is a little bit about the team members who produced the material for the I Love Soil website.